Anxiety is crazy. it can change your whole day. it changes the tone of voice in your head. It’s unpredictable and it can ruin your entire day.
The only thing you are certain about is that Anxiety doesn't want to be here. Not really. it's painful and scary. it causes a headache; it causes panic attack, and it brings back all the bad memories of your past. you don't need anymore bad memories. the ones you have right now are better than what happened before. It comes out of nowhere, you could be so happy and all of a sudden it hits you. like an arrow through your chest. it just...stops you in your tracks. it stops you from living a normal life. you're scared. you never thought this would happen but it did and it hurts like hell. I deal with this everyday. it's the worst. I know I'm okay and I can be happy. but it's still a reminder of all the stress.