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Writer's pictureDaisy Sage

2021 Break down

AHH! 2022 Is finally gone and I couldn't be happier. It was a bad year for me and I didn't know if I could survive it but I did and not I'm going to break down how my 2021 was. I'm going to do key points and an overall what happened. So let's get started!

🍄 January- Had a mental breakdown and dyed my hair hot pink at 2 am on new Year. Went to my cousin's baby shower which also made me have a mental breakdown because we are the same age.

🌼 February-

Loving myself wearing whatever I want working on school.

🍄March- dyed hair blue and green. Sarah getting married made me have a mental breakdown because she's 18 months older than me. A week later my boyfriend (of a year) broke up with me because a girl asked him out at a coffee shop... Went downhill and didn't like who I was.

🌼April- dyed hair black and green left school had to start packing.

🍄May- trying to work still talking to my now ex because he

wanted to be friends but I was hard on me. Started talking to different people. But nothing serious

🌼June- moved it to my Tia because the apartment wasn't ready. Just trying to work and move on.

🍄July- Ex got mad at me because I was moving on but yet he's the one that wanted fucking coffee girl and he blocked me. Dyed hair green cut off a lot of my hair and just couldn't deal with anything. Cursed out my grandmother because she's racist, homophobic and just terrible.

🌼 August- sleeping, not eating, not able to process any emotions, and just not doing, anything.

🍄 September- Started to get better and liked how I was. Redid my whole website and moved it to Wix. Started feeling happy with work.

🌼 October- turned 24¡! Spent it alone and cried like normal. Dyed hair back to red and continue to talk to different people and moving on

🍄 November- survived Thanksgiving and my family. Still talking. To people but kept getting let down by men.

🌼 December- made it to Christmas and survived! I'm still finding that old me that was here but in hiding and hopefully, soon she'll be here and happy. It's hard to move on when I can't process my emotions and not give me time to heal. It's okay to cry over him but I didn't want to because I didn't want to think about him. Because I lost him and the only safe place I had and he'll never understand that.


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